Many false assumptions get made from news articles about Turo - primarily with the false assumption that the platform can be equated to housing rentals on Airbnb. Here are four reasons why this comparison should be avoided:

  1. The liabilities associated with renting a vehicle are much different than those associated with a living space. A car tends to have greater risk involved for bodily harm than occupying another’s home.

  2. The barriers to entry for Turo are much less than Airbnb and thus competition tends to be greater.

  3. Airbnb properties have success in all sorts of areas/terrain; Turo rentals tend to be catered closer to city and airport access points.

  4. Maintenance/cleaning on a Turo vehicle vary greatly with their Airbnb counterpart.

Note: All recommendations & advice provided should not be taken for gospel. Turo T&S change continuously; due diligence is required for proper Turo/Airbnb hosting.